Monday, 24 October 2016

The Walking Dead (Possible spoiler alert)

We start off  with a close up shot of ricks face, sweaty and covered in blood. At this moment we don't know why. We hear a voice before we see the face of the man who rick is talking to (we know he's talking to rick because rick looks at after he talks), which adds a sense of mystery. Before we even see the other mans face we see his bloodied weapon come between him and rick, showing authority, also even though he kneels down to talk to rick, he's always just that little bit taller. An over the shoulder shot from rick shows this, even though there are other people about that these characters talk to. They aren't seen, the complete focus is on them. All the weapons come between them.

Even while he's dragging rick into the camper van the people around them are silhouetted by the bright lights around, adding mystery. This could also be because it's a 'sneak peak' for the audience. He drags rick around like a dog, showing dominance.

At the end of the scene the camera pans down to the floor after his line 'the ones who are left' to reveal what seems to be blood and bits of brain on the floor, showing that he'd killed somone. At this point we don't know who.

Analysing this scene makes me feel like a want to analyse the walking dead for my essay, a lot of great HBO shows have brilliant cinematography. 

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